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2007-06-24 20:07:48
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The Anti-Prom

Yup, they're finally here! The pictures from the almighty Anti-Prom (like a prom, but 150 times better and with alcohol) I am [Beki in Wonderland] and the only other person who's on here who was at the party is Alex or [Lexxi Scuzz]. So here we go, this is why deep down in your heart you really want to be British (if you're not already British XD) just so you can come to parties like this! Bet your prom wasn't half as good as ours!! XD
20 minutes into the night and [Lexxi Scuzz] is already on her arse.
Joshwa looking gormless. His hair is shinyful X3
Walker with his face stuffed full of jelly XD
Alex and me posing as her extra head XD
Alex looks drunk. I look weird. We have cider. XD
Yeah. Josh is wearing a dress. No, i don't know why.
Josh in his dress again XD
Me with cider. Oh, and Josh in the dress.
Cross with beer, and the saucy charades infront of his face XD
Cross with top hat.
Me and Alex, myspace photo!
Alex's butt XD Don't ask me why i took this.. i don't know XD
Me and Chris, and i'm actually beginning to look drunk..
Chris and Alex. Not entirely sure what she's doing XD
Mike and his extra head AKA Steevo.
Josh got boobs. Then tried to lick them XD
Josh is getting a bit too fond of his new breasts...
Alex and Me. I look retarded...
Cross. Aww, look at him in his tie XD
Alex yelling at someone.. I can't remember who XD
Me and Alex's feet!
We went to the park... And i hung upsidown.. Lol, look at our alcohol in the background..
I thought the tree's looked like two polar bears kissing o_O *coughacidcough* XD
My leg O_O I love those trousers XD
Alex on the swing, wasted and with alcohol.. She'd drank a fair bit of rum by this point too..
Me on the swing with alcohol. I like this picture XD
This just looks cool. Josh and Alex.
Josh headbanging XD XD
Ze band. Well, mainly the wall... And bits of the band XD
Alex 'helping' Walker play the drums..
Alex and me and the side of Josh's head. We were wasted by this point. Yes i have a tea cosy on my head.
Cross. Yes he has writing all over his face. Look at this one in full size, Steevo looks deformed in the background XD XD
Alex and Me. And alcohol and my tea cosy XD
Cross windmilling XD This amuses me :p
Walker drumming and looking completely smashed. Which he was.
Alex when me and her went for a walk at 1am..
Me and Alex on our walk. Yeah, i STILL have the tea cosy on my head.
Steevo stuck in the baby swing XD
This is from the next morning.. We discovered my camera has a sepia setting.. Me and Alex.
Sepia again XD Joshwa in the smoothie shop XD
Alex trying to look innocent. Sepia!alex XD
Walker and Josh looking severely hungover at the bus station.

Yeah, don't you wish you'd been there!?! It was awesome... It's like 'spot the alcohol' in most of these pics XD Anyway, yeah that's it. Roll on the next party!!!

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2007-06-25 [Lexxi Scuzz]: meh doesn't matter i'm not arsed really i'll go meet josh and have a look in homebase for stuff to decorate my room with! X3 it looks so bare now all my stuff is being packed away!

2007-06-25 [Beki in Wonderland]: HOMG 0__0 I want to decorate mine now, but that would mean tidying it *blah* ...I want a Naruto themed room because i'm sad like that XD I might do it now since i have alot of free time on my hands.. Well, next week i do anyway XD Organise my room, chuck everything out, then DECORATE!!! Yursh...

2007-06-25 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol thats what i'm doing at the moment but we need to get a builder in! XD ahh well i can get started anyways. hmm i might go to the cinema this week and chester to see cal and people.. i haven't been to chester in a while.

2007-06-25 [Beki in Wonderland]: Why on earth are you getting a builder in o____O What are you doing?! XD I need to go to chester too, despite the fact that i have 0 cash and i'm £7 in debt already xD This is the reason i'm NEVER getting a credit card XD

2007-06-26 [shinobi14]: Haha... the thought of you with a cledit card Beki, is scary. XD

Gah! I need to go to Chester too! My hair dye is calling. ^-^

AND i have a job now! I went to an interview... and i got the job!!! *dances* Woo!! *starts on Saturday*

AND!!! Im decorating my room too! =D Im moving to another house on the other side of Buckley on the 28th *fingers crossed* and im painting the walls, and buying some more furniture. ^__^ I think ive decided on dark blue and cream. XD

2007-06-26 [Beki in Wonderland]: Yush... Beki + Credit card = DANGER!!!

I need to get a job >.< My cousin is asking her boss if i can get a job where she works.. which will be fun because us two together is a disaster from the word go XD

Now i REALLY need to decorate my room -__- gah, i want pop tarts <_< >_>

2007-06-26 [Lexxi Scuzz]: I'm going for a japanese theme and i need a builder to look at a wall or something.. i dunno mother's orders so i'll do what she says! =D

I think i might go to chester on saturday if it's nice and hang out in the ampy.. coz i will have my allowence and wages from work (if i see you before then Beki) and two lots of babysitting money.. and the £5 for cleaning the bathroom.. XD I love being able to work again..

I gotta go to the job center as parent has decided i need something to occupy my time.. -_- feh w/e

2007-06-28 [shinobi14]: Well, id prefer working one day a week than having nothing to do... ¬¬

OOOOO!! Japanese theme?! Whats that look like then? =]

<img:Br23-gif.gif> You have to decide to go on Saturday, dont you? Grrrr.... *points up to other comment* I have a SATURDAY job!!! *cries*

2007-06-28 [Lexxi Scuzz]: *pats* well i don't think we're going now.. i think we may be going monday... change of plans lol! XD

you will have to wait and see! ^__~ i'm not sure what it's going to look like yet but my mum's talking about getting me a proper roll up japanese style bed! XD Or a really low one.. which would be awesome X3

yeah but i don't have nothing to do.. i have lots to do.. like decorating and wandering around and stuff!

2007-07-08 [Beki in Wonderland]: Wheeeeeeee *random comment after a long time not commenting <_< >_>* I'm spending all next week clearing out my room and getting ready to decorate.. I feel a trip to Ikea coming on!!!!!!!!! Nyahahaha... My mum was all *wtf* about my walk in manga idea, but she can just go and be boring somewhere else, i want my room to be trippy and insane!! It's not like i spend much time in there anyway, most of my life is lived either outside or in the computer room XD Waaaaaa </ramble>

2007-07-09 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol yeah.. and tbh it's not like she could stop you anyways! XD ahhh i haven't been on here in a while.. i have pictures to upload o_O but i can't be bothered right now.. i think i'm doing an all nighter tonight nad going into school semi-dead tomorrow! lol that seems like an appropriate thing to do to me! XD Then i can upload, message, comment, be a nerd and write.. hopefully managing to get everything in order.. and i'm not joining any more websites! lol.. i have too many as it is! XD

2007-07-09 [Beki in Wonderland]: Yersh i know how you feel.. i did an all nighter last night so if i pull another one tonight it may well be a miracle.. im amazed im still alive to type XD XD I'm going to take a hammer to my skull in a minute if this headache doesn't piss off back to austria... Seriously... bloody austrians.. I may pull an all nighter again, depending on how dead i feel XD School semi-dead sounds like fun.. It'll be just like old times X3 OMG i was so pathetic today, i was looking through some old photos from just after Download when i still had long hair (i know it was after DL because i was wearing my wristband XD) and i started crying!! It was all just so "ooooomg, we had some good times *cries over pictures*" ...I'm so pathetic XD

2007-07-10 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol aww! tbh thats the reason i haven't looked at my leaving book recently! I want to put in some more photos of us in chester and of work and stuff! lol just to remember this whole year really coz it's been amazing! Man i'm starting to feel a bit teary just thinking about it.. but we've had such a great time and i get the feeling that everything is going to change in the next couple of months.. you know like everything's shifting and re-arrangin itself.. it's like zomg we're alomst done knowing whats going to happen to us in the next years.. like school which was always inevitable, always going to happen no matter what now isn't.. it's scary! o_O

2007-07-16 [shinobi14]: Indeed it is. I feel a bit the same, but for you guys its different. You two have been in the same school for a few years now, so a better relationship has been built. =] Me, almost always travelling (no more!! BWAHAHAH!! ) i dont have that kind of friendship with many people here. =/

But you guys have been amazing, seriously. You kinda put me under your wing, and you nourished me, and turned me into a metalhead hippy!! =D  So id like to say thank you for that. =]

Hey, there's always 6th form, eh? =/

2007-07-16 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol true there is.. zomg dan i'm having a complete and utter giggling fit now! XD you made us sound like a couple of birds i have images of us sitting on you flapping now! -_-

lol aye! I'm glad you came to our school and our form! *nods* you're a great person to have around and personally i don't think it makes any difference you were only there for a year i feel we've been freinds for ages! I'd miss you as much as anyone if you left! so don't!!! *pokes with stick*

Yeah we'll make a name for ourselves in 6th form! we'll continue our reign of madness!

2007-07-23 [shinobi14]: Damm straight we will! They will remember us well. *giggles*

¬¬* And no, Alex. You are not a bird.

2007-07-24 [Beki in Wonderland]: Hur hur, i really want to draw me and Alex as birds now XD Unfortunately, due mainly to the fact that i fail at life, i can't draw birds =__= I can draw cats now though.. They're almost birds... Just more furry and carnivorous.. And less winged <_< >_> Poo it, i'll try anyway!!! X3

2007-07-24 [Lexxi Scuzz]: strange child.. and who are you to say i'm not a bird? I cna be if i want to be.. =P *hugs* ahh well.. even if i can't sit on you flapping i can still hug you in a deranged manor! welcome back btw!

2007-07-24 [shinobi14]: ^_______^ Im back!!

And of course you can be a bird, Alex. *pets*

2007-07-24 [Beki in Wonderland]: Yeeesss, welcome back! Now there will be insanity on EP aswell as ET!! w00t! XD

2007-07-24 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol insanity on ET??? meh.. missed that boat!

yay i'm a birdy!!! woop! *dances*

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